
[view, /vyo͞o/]


A visual experience, typically of a beautiful, stimulating or awe-inspiring nature, as in "the vyou is spectacular".


Vyou Channel

A curated selection of movies, documentaries and short films at the highest possible quality level supported by your TV installation and internet connection.

Vyou Channel partners with creative, independent film makers from around the world to bring some of the most creative, entertaining and informative films, including award-winning masterpieces that are innovating storytelling techniques, and promoting the next wave of filmmakers to enter and change the industry.

Many Vyou Channel films are presented in stunning HDR (High Dynamic Range), and many are at 4K/UHD resolution. Films originally created in SDR (Standard Dynamic Range) have been remastered by our expert, in-house, post-production team (Color A Go-Go) to bring out the best viewing experience that the latest HDR technology offers.

For those new to 4K and/or HDR, we'll help you make sure your TV installation is set up correctly, with tips to help you track down installation problems or incorrect settings.

Just activated Vyou Channel and you don't have an Invite Code? Try 'vyou5'!